\n\n You can show and hide the alert by means of active.sync
and a Boolean bind as value
\n The property to determine if the alert can be closed is closable
\n\n {{ !active1 ? 'Open Alert' : 'Close Alert' }} 1\n {{ !active2 ? 'Open Alert' : 'Close Alert' }} 2\n\n \n Chupa chups topping bonbon. Jelly-o toffee I love. Sweet I love wafer I love wafer.\n \n\n You can also change the icon used for the close buton on the alerts
\n\n \n \n Chupa chups topping bonbon. Jelly-o toffee I love. Sweet I love wafer I love wafer.\n \n\n \n<vs-button @click="active1=!active1">{{ !active1 ? 'Open Alert' : 'Close Alert' }} 1</vs-button>\n<vs-button @click="active2=!active2">{{ !active2 ? 'Open Alert' : 'Close Alert' }} 2</vs-button>\n\n<vs-alert :active.sync="active1" closable icon-pack="feather" close-icon="icon-x">\n Chupa chups topping bonbon. Jelly-o toffee I love. Sweet I love wafer I love wafer.\n</vs-alert>\n\n<vs-alert :active.sync="active2" closable close-icon="icon-x-circle" icon-pack="feather">\n Chupa chups topping bonbon. Jelly-o toffee I love. Sweet I love wafer I love wafer.\n</vs-alert>\n \n\n \n